Christina Fraser Melville

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Christina Fraser Melville and Family

Christina Fraser Hope ms Melville


Melville Hope and his mother Christina Hope.

 Left: Annie Lannon ms Melville, Christina Hope ms Melville, and Margaret and Melville Hope.
Centre: Christina Hope, Annie Lannon and Margaret Hope.
Right: Annie Melville ms Fraser, Annie Lannon, Christina Hope, Cathel Melville, George (Dodo) Melville and Melville Hope.


Left: Christina Hope and Alex Hope with children Margaret and Melville.
Right: Christina Hope, Alexander Hope, Annie Lannon and Melville Hope


Christina and Melville Hope with baby whose name not known.
Centre: Melville Hope with unknown friend.
Right: Margaret, Christina and Melville Hope.

Wedding of Alexander Melville Hope and Elizabeth Barclay

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